4 Rules success on Linkedln

 4 Rules For your LinkedIn success

(Nobody is telling you)
Rule No. 1: If you’re not creating content about LinkedIn on LinkedIn
You’re doing it all wrong.
Rule No. 2: if you’re not including the ‘Top Voice’ badge in your headline
You’re missing out on the chance of kissing yourself in the mirror
Rule No. 3: If your idea of networking doesn't include bombarding strangers with "hello" followed by a sneaky pitch slap link,
You are missing out on the chance of getting on someone’s blocked list
Rule No. 4: If you’re not calling yourself an influencer
Do you even have a bit of influence in anyone’s life? Duh noooo
If you're doing these things
Believe me, your clients don't care about
- Your influencer headline
- Your top voice badge
- Your pitch slaps DM's
They are looking for a solution to their problem, not another problem in their life.


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